I'm off to Mexico to starting buying for the holidays! This trip will take me to Mexico City, Taxco, Michoacán and Guadalajara. Lots of destinations in a fairly short amount of time so visualize me scurrying between artists' workshops, homes, mercados, riding buses, taxis and subways and carrying lots of packages! I hope to write some posts and post photos to Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram as I go, but I never know what the internet connectivity will be. Adios for now!

Day of the Dead Skeleton


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¡Hola! We’re a small Mexican folk art store located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We personally choose ALL of our hand made pieces from talented artisans all over the great country of Mexico.

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9 x 13" Mexican Talavera Baking Pan, Ready to Ship
9 x 13" Mexican Talavera Baking Pan, Ready to Ship
$ 75.00

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