Embroidered Textile Retablos

$ 68.00
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A "retablo" is a painting of a patron saint usually on wood or tin. It's an offering or recognition of the importance of a saint, Jesus, God or in Mexico, the Virgen de Guadalupe. Retablos often depict every day problems or concerns that have been improved or resolved by the saint or religious figure and the message is usually a thank you for the intervention. 

These small textiles are retablos, not on tin or wood, but lovingly embroidered on cotton fabric. Each one has a special message translated below. Note the color combinations of the top and bottom of the piece and the charming embroidered images and words. This is folk art. Many of the Spanish words are phonetically spelled...

  1. "Este hombre benia de su trababjo y lo ajusto una serpiente pero no le pico" This man came from work and was attacked by a snake but it didn't bite him. SOLD
  2. "Le doy gracias a la virjen de los remedios doy sanar el nino de una caida" I thank the Virgin of the Remedies I can heal the child from a fall
  3. "Este hombre por jugar ariba de los arboles se callo" This man fell silent because he was playing above the trees.  SOLD
  4. "Este señor le pide a San Judas que lo sane de un dolor de muelas" This man asks Saint Jude to heal him from a toothache

state of origin: Guanajuato
dimensions: approx 11" by 10"

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Retablo 2: 0
Retablo 4: 0
Retablo 1: 0
Retablo 3: 0