Three-Footed Bowls, Medium, Ready to Ship

$ 24.00
Select an option to see a preview.
Blue Zinnia
Blue & Saffron
Green Zinnia
Orange Hibiscus
Azul y Rojo
Red Petunia


These charming medium size bowls with legs, or molcajetes, are one of our most popular items. They are great little gifts to lend a shot of color to a kitchen and to serve guacamole or salsa for chips. See last two photos for size comparisons.

All of our ceramics are food safe, lead free and can go in the oven, microwave and dishwasher, though we do recommend hand washing. 


Price plus shipping or Twin Cities Pickup

state of origin: Guanajuato
dimensions:  Medium: 5.5" by 2.5" high (cereal bowl size)


Available: Quantities limited by Size
Amarillo: 1
Blue Zinnia: 2
Mint: 1
Blue & Saffron: 3
Rojo: 1
Green Zinnia: 2
Orange Hibiscus: 3
Azul y Rojo: 0
Red Petunia: 0
Verde: 0
Cobalt: 0