Small Honeycomb Mexican Fruit

$ 5.00
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Red Apple
Green Apple
Green Pear

Made in Puebla, Mexico, these small, colorful fruits made of paper honeycomb add a lot of fun and color to any party, wedding, bridal shower or fiesta! They do not have a built-in clip so we use paper clips to keep them closed. The watermelon and papaya pull open with a string and hang open. Charming Mexican paper works! 

$5 each

Red Apple: 1
Green Apple: 1
Green Pear: 1
Papaya: 1
Orange: 1


state of origin: Puebla
dimensions: approximately 7" tall 

Available: Quantities limited by Color
Red Apple: 1
Green Apple: 2
Papaya: 0
Green Pear: 1
Orange: 0
Watermelon: 0